Sunday, 30 December 2007

Modelling - Progress - Hair 02

Modelling 3 curls in big hair is a mission... >____<

I've taken the lower two curls away because it looked really odd and unnatural (see picture)...
I have also uploaded a quick 360 video of the current hair and will need to ask Aminata if she thinks that is ok to accept or not...

picture of swirls/curls I had taken away:

360 video of current hair:

01:17 31/12/07 Update:

Called Aminata and went through the details about the hair and she agreed that the modelled in "curls/swirls" should be taken away.

Aminata asked for the hair to remain the same as seen in the 360 video.

She also said that she wanted to experiment with bump mapping to apply the curls to the "bumps" in the current hair on the lower left and right.

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