Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Finished Model

Here is the final model for young Ginette

The complete model is 4668 polys before smooth.
When smoothed it is 18354 polys (eek) including full set of teeth, tongue, inner mouth/gums

Details such as the skirt pleating and creasing of the scarf are some of the main contributors of the high poly count.

If Aminata needs to lower the poly count then I can suggest "softening" as some of the features including the teeth, tongue, hair should have acceptable level of detail when softened instead of smoothed:

14482 poly count:
*Body smoothed
*Eyes smoothed
*Hair softened
*Scarf softened
*Teeth, tongue softened

13922 poly count:
*Body smoothed
*Eyes softened
*Hair softened
*Scarf softened
*Teeth, tongue softened

This is the coloured model sheet Aminata has provided me so I can start with the texturing:

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